
kraft pkg

Package and distribute Unikraft unikernels and their dependencies

Package and distribute Unikraft unikernels and their dependencies.

With kraft pkg you are able to turn output artifacts from kraft build into a distributable archive ready for deployment. At the same time, kraft pkg allows you to manage these archives: pulling, pushing, or adding them to a project.

The default behaviour of kraft pkg is to package a project. Given no arguments, you will be guided through interactive mode.



# Package a project as an OCI archive and embed the target's KConfig.
$ kraft pkg --as oci --name


-m, --arch string Filter the creation of the package by architecture of known targets (x86_64/arm64/arm)
-a, --args strings Pass arguments that will be part of the running kernel's command line
-M, --as string Force the packaging despite possible conflicts (default "oci")
-c, --compress Compress the initrd package (experimental)
--dbg Package the debuggable (symbolic) kernel image instead of the stripped image
-e, --env stringArray Set environment variables to be packed into the package
--force-format Force the use of a packaging handler format
-h, --help help for pkg
-k, --kernel string Override the path to the unikernel image
-K, --kraftfile string Set an alternative path of the Kraftfile
-l, --label strings Set labels to be packed into the package (k=v)
-n, --name string Specify the name of the package
--no-kconfig Do not include target .config as metadata
-o, --output string Save the package at the following output
-p, --plat string Filter the creation of the package by platform of known targets (fc/qemu/xen/kraftcloud)
-P, --push Push the package on if successfully packaged
--rootfs string Specify a path to use as root file system (can be volume or initramfs)
-r, --runtime string Set the runtime to use for the package
--strategy string When a package of the same name exists, use this strategy when applying targets. (default "overwrite")
-t, --target string Package a particular known target
-w, --workdir string Set an alternative working directory (default is cwd)

See Also#

  • kraft: Build and use highly customized and ultra-lightweight unikernels
  • kraft pkg info: Show information about a package
  • kraft pkg list: List installed Unikraft component packages
  • kraft pkg pull: Pull a Unikraft unikernel and/or its dependencies
  • kraft pkg push: Push a Unikraft unikernel package to registry
  • kraft pkg remove: Removes selected local packages
  • kraft pkg source: Add Unikraft component manifests
  • kraft pkg unsource: Remove Unikraft component manifests
  • kraft pkg update: Retrieve new lists of Unikraft components, libraries and packages
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