
Unikraft CLI Companion Tool

Unikraft's companion command-line tool kraft has been modeled after many popular package managers and build tools with the explicit aim of making it easy to build and manage your application as a unikernel.

Before beginning, it is important to familiarize yourself with the concept of a unikernel and how unikernels differ from other runtime mediums, including: containers, standard VMs and OSes (e.g. Linux). At the same time, a general understanding of how a unikernel is constructed with Unikraft will help you understand how to use kraft effectively.

Please let us know if you run into any issues by reaching out through one of the main communication channels or by filing an issue on GitHub. Happy krafting! 🐒

Quick-start example based on qemu/x86_64#

Start by using the interactive installer:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

This will install the kraft binary executable onto your host as well as additional dependencies necessary for building and running Unikraft unikernels. The installer detects your OS and suggests an appropriate installation procedure.

For more information on customizing your installation of kraft, please refer to the complete installation guide.

To test your installation, you can try running our pre-built "Hello, World" unikernel on your machine by simply invoking the following command:

kraft run

If all goes well, you should be greeted with a message and some helpful tips. If things didn't go well, please check out our troubleshooting guide for more information and for frequently asked questions.

kraft -h
/^\ Build and use highly customized and ultra-lightweight unikernels.
:[ ]:
| = |
/|/=\|\ Documentation:
(_:| |:_) Issues & support:
v v
' '
build Configure and build Unikraft unikernels
clean Remove the build object files of a Unikraft project
fetch Fetch a Unikraft unikernel's dependencies
menu Open's Unikraft configuration editor TUI
prepare Prepare a Unikraft unikernel
properclean Completely remove the build artifacts of a Unikraft project
pkg Package and distribute Unikraft unikernels and their dependencies
pkg ls List installed Unikraft component packages
pkg pull Pull a Unikraft unikernel and/or its dependencies
pkg push Push a Unikraft unikernel package to registry
pkg source Add Unikraft component manifests
pkg unsource Remove Unikraft component manifests
pkg update Retrieve new lists of Unikraft components, libraries and packages
ps List running unikernels
rm Remove one or more running unikernels
run Run a unikernel
stop Stop one or more running unikernels
net create Create a new machine network
net down Bring a network offline
net inspect Inspect a machine network
net ls List machine networks
net rm Remove a network
net up Bring a network online
login Provide authorization details for a remote service
version Show kraft version information
--config-dir string Path to KraftKit config directory
--containerd-addr string Address of containerd daemon socket
--editor string Set the text editor to open when prompt to edit a file
--events-pid-file string Events process ID used when running multiple unikernels (default "/var/kraftkit/")
--git-protocol string Preferred Git protocol to use (default "https")
-h, --help help for kraft
--http-unix-sock string When making HTTP(S) connections, pipe requests via this shared socket
--log-level string Log level verbosity (default "info")
--log-timestamps Enable log timestamps
--log-type string Log type (default "fancy")
--manifests-dir string Path to Unikraft manifest cache
--no-check-updates Do not check for updates
--no-emojis Do not use emojis in any console output
--no-parallel Do not run internal tasks in parallel
--no-prompt Do not prompt for user interaction
--pager string System pager to pipe output to
--plugins-dir string Path to KraftKit plugin directory
--runtime-dir string Directory for placing runtime files (e.g. pidfiles) (default "/var/kraftkit")
--sources-dir string Path to Unikraft component cache
--with-manifest strings Paths to package or component manifests (default [])
--with-mirror strings Paths to mirrors of Unikraft component artifacts

Next steps#

Once installed and running, learn more about:

Edit this page on GitHub

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Getting Started

What is a unikernel?Install CLI companion toolUnikraft InternalsRoadmap

© 2025  The Unikraft Authors. All rights reserved. Documentation distributed under CC BY-NC 4.0.