, you can easily leverage Unikraft and manage specialized,
high-performance applications at every stage of their lifecycle: from
construction to production.
Whilst the target architecture and platform for the unikernel may differ from
your host system, kraft
itself can be used on the following supported systems
to build and package unikernels.
You can quickly and easily install KraftKit using the interactive installer. Simply run the following command to get started:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
The above script will identify your host and guide you through the installation process, including suggestions for how to receive updates. The installer will try to use your native package manager.
The simplest way to install kraft
on macOS is via brew
brew install unikraft/cli/kraftkit
Alternatively, you can download the latest kraft darwin binary for your architecture from:
Extract the archive to a local directory. For example:
tar -xvf kraftkit_0.6.6_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
Then install the following dependencies for kraft
brew install gnu-sed make coreutils m4 gawk grep wget qemu socat# ...for compiling x86_64 Unikernels (needed for KraftCloud)brew install x86_64-elf-binutils x86_64-elf-gcc# ...for compiling aarch-64 Unikernelsbrew install aarch64-elf-binutils aarch64-elf-gcc
We recommend installing KraftKit using the interactive method described above.
However, if you would like to manage your installation directly, we offer APT
repositories that can be referenced to access the latest stable version of
. To get started, install the following preliminary tools:
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install \ca-certificates \curl \gnupg \lsb-release
Add Unikraft’s official GPG key:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyringscurl -fsSL | \sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/unikraft.gpg
Use the following command to set up the APT repository:
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/unikraft.gpg] /" | \sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unikraft.list > /dev/null
Update the APT package index, and install the latest version of kraftkit
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install kraftkit
We recommend installing KraftKit using the interactive method described above. However, you can also directly add our remote RPM package registry entry.
First add new entry for kraftkit
in /etc/yum.repos.d/kraftkit.repo
[kraftkit]name=KraftKit Repobaseurl=https://rpm.pkg.kraftkit.shenabled=1gpgcheck=0
Then run:
yum makecacheyum install -y kraftkit
We recommend installing KraftKit using the interactive method described above. However, if you wish to install this directly from AUR, you can:
git clone kraftkit-binmakepkg -si
We distribute KraftKit within our NUR package repository such that it can be accessed via:
nix run github:unikraft/nur#kraftkit
KraftKit currently does not support an installation natively on Microsoft Windows.
However, you can use Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) which supports both running kraft
as well as executing Unikraft unikernels.
To get started, please ensure that you have WSL2 set up on your host. We recommend using the Linux distributions Ubuntu or Debian:
wsl --install -d debian
Once complete, restart WSL either by shutting down Windows or by closing all of your WSL terminal windows and issue this command in Powershell, CMD, or Windows Run menu (Windows+R)
wsl.exe --shutdown
Once restarted, simply following the instructions for installing kraft
for Debian/Ubuntu from within WSL2.
Once installed, you must ensure that nested-virtualization is enabled. This
will allow you to run Unikraft via QEMU for KVM later by editing
[wsl2]nestedVirtualization=true[boot]command = /bin/bash -c 'chown -v root:kvm /dev/kvm && chmod 660 /dev/kvm'
Then add yourself to the kvm
sudo usermod -a -G kvm ${USER}
If you have experience with Hyper-V platform APIs, please consider contributing to Unikraft platform drivers as we have an on-going track for this. If you have experience building Go applications for Microsoft Windows, we also have an open issue on KraftKit to support this platform. Thank you!
Please note that a unikernel and a container are not the same. Read more about the differences between Unikraft and existing runtime systems.
You can use KraftKit inside of a container to help you build and package
unikernels. We ship a standard build environment called "base" that includes
all the tools necessary for building Unikraft unikernrels, including the latest
version of kraft
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/app
To build kraft
from source, please see our hacking documentation.
KraftKit can be used in other contexts, such as within a CI/CD pipeline. See additional resources on how to build, package (or run) unikernels:
Feel free to ask questions, report issues, and meet new people.