
kraft logs

Fetch the logs of a unikernel

Fetch the logs of a unikernel.

kraft logs [FLAGS] MACHINE


# Fetch the logs of a unikernel
$ kraft logs my-machine
# Fetch the logs of a unikernel and follow the output
$ kraft logs --follow my-machine
# Fetch the logs of multiple unikernels and follow the output
$ kraft logs --follow my-machine1 my-machine2


-f, --follow Follow log output
-h, --help help for logs
--no-prefix When logging multiple machines, do not prefix each log line with the name
-p, --plat string Set the platform virtual machine monitor driver. Set to 'auto' to detect the guest's platform and 'host' to use the host platform. (default "auto")

See Also#

  • kraft: Build and use highly customized and ultra-lightweight unikernels
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