Create an instance on Unikraft Cloud from an image.
kraft cloud instance create [FLAGS] IMAGE [-- ARGS]
# Create a new NGINX instance in Frankfurt and start it immediately. Map the external# port 443 to the internal port 8080 which the application listens on.$ kraft cloud --metro fra0 instance create \--start \--port 443:8080 \nginx:latest# This command is the same as above, however using the more elaborate port expression.# This is because in fact we need need to accept TLS and HTTP connections and redirect# port 8080 to port 443. The above example exists only as a shortcut for what is written# below:$ kraft cloud --metro fra0 instance create \--start \--port 443:8080/http+tls \--port 80:443/http+redirect \nginx:latest# Attach two existing volumes to the vm, one read-write at /data# and another read-only at /config:$ kraft cloud --metro fra0 instance create \--start \--volume my-data-vol:/data \--volume my-config-vol:/config:ro \nginx:latest
-c, --certificate strings Set the certificates to use for the service-d, --domain strings The domain names to use for the service--entrypoint strings Set the entrypoint for the instance-e, --env stringArray Environmental variables-f, --feature strings List of features to enable-h, --help help for create-M, --memory string Specify the amount of memory to allocate (MiB increments)-n, --name string Specify the name of the instance-o, --output string Set output format. Options: table,yaml,json,list,raw (default "list")-p, --port strings Specify the port mapping between external to internal-R, --replicas uint Number of replicas of the instance--restart string Set the restart policy for the instance (never/always/on-failure) (default "never")--rollout string Set the rollout strategy for an instance which has been previously run in the provided service (default "prompt")--rollout-qualifier string Set the rollout qualifier used to determine which instances should be affected by the strategy in the supplied service (default "image")--rollout-wait duration Time to wait before performing rolling out action (ms/s/m/h) (default 10s)--scale-to-zero string Scale to zero policy of the instance (on/off/idle) (default "off")--scale-to-zero-cooldown duration Cooldown period before scaling to zero (ms/s/m/h)--scale-to-zero-stateful Save state when scaling to zero-g, --service string Attach this instance to an existing service-S, --start Immediately start the instance after creation-s, --subdomain strings Set the subdomains to use when creating the service-V, --vcpus uint Specify the number of vCPUs to allocate-v, --volume strings List of volumes to attach instance to-w, --wait-for-image Wait for the image to be available before creating the instance--wait-for-image-timeout duration Time to wait before timing out when waiting for image (ms/s/m/h) (default 1m0s)
--metro string Unikraft Cloud metro location--token string Unikraft Cloud access token
kraft cloud instance
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