
kraft cloud compose

Manage Compose deployments on Unikraft Cloud

Manage Compose deployments on Unikraft Cloud

kraft cloud compose


# Deploy the Compose project on Unikraft Cloud
$ kraft cloud compose up
# Stop the deployment
$ kraft cloud compose down
# List the Compose services for this project Unikraft Cloud
$ kraft cloud compose ps
# Build a specific service image of a Compose project
$ kraft cloud compose build nginx
# Create a service image of a Compose project
$ kraft cloud compose create
# Push a service image of Compose project
$ kraft cloud compose push nginx
# View logs of a service deployment
$ kraft cloud compose log nginx


--env-file string Set the environment file.
--file string Set the Compose file.
-h, --help help for compose

Options inherited from parent commands#

--metro string Unikraft Cloud metro location
--token string Unikraft Cloud access token

See Also#

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