
GitLab CI

Learn how to build and deploy your unikernel application via GitLab CI.

Using kraft inside the GitLab CI system is no different from any other command and can be used for all its use cases:

  • Build Unikraft unikernels;
  • Run Unikraft unikernels in emulation mode;
  • Package and push OCI images to compatible registries.

Get started quickly and easily by using the sample GitLab repository.

Workflow Steps#

We break up the resulting workflow into multiple steps to guide people through the sytax of GitLab, its specifics, and how they relate to using kraft.

1. Setting Variables#

The first and foremost thing we must do is set the general environmental variables.


Logging we need to set to 'basic' to ensure that the output is not mangled and the level we can pick from the following list: debug/info/warn/error. We pick debug to make sure we do not miss anything important in our workflows. Finally, KRAFTKIT_NO_CHECK_UPDATES we set for redundancy, especially in the case where we might use an older version of KraftKit.

2. Using the Correct Image#

The default image for KraftKit in CI/CD is, but this is not fully compatible with GitLab. This happens because it sets a custom entrypoint that is not sh. As such, we need to reset the entrypoint with this syntax: entrypoint: [""].

The resulting image block is:

name: ""
entrypoint: [""]

3. Setting up the Environment#

Because we can't use the GitHub Action we need to do the remaining steps manually. This includes cloning the repository we want to build.

mkdir /tmp/app-helloworld
git clone /tmp/app-helloworld
cd /tmp/app-helloworld

4. Building & Running the Application#

Building and running using kraft is identical to the CLI:

# Building app helloworld
kraft build --no-cache --arch x86_64 --plat qemu
# Running app helloworld
kraft run -W -M 256M --arch x86_64 --plat qemu

Only argument to look out for is -W, which specifies we do not want acceleration.

5. Packaging the Application#

To package the built application we need to provide it with a name and other details. Here we must specify the full name of the image registry we want to use. We also create an initrd to demonstrate its usage.

mkdir fs0
touch fs0/file.txt
kraft pkg --name --as oci --initrd fs0/ --arch x86_64 --plat qemu

6. Push the Application#

Finally, to push, we must first log in, and then we can just push to our registry. For this example, this part is skipped.

# Login to repository
# Pushing app helloworld
kraft pkg push --as oci


At last, we combine all steps above to obtain the final version of the file, which can be seen below:

name: ""
entrypoint: [""]
script: |
set -xe
# Printing version
kraft version
# Cloning repository
mkdir /tmp/app-helloworld
git clone /tmp/app-helloworld
cd /tmp/app-helloworld
# Building app helloworld
kraft build --no-cache --arch x86_64 --plat qemu
# Running app helloworld
kraft run -W -M 256M --arch x86_64 --plat qemu
# Packaging app helloworld
mkdir fs0
touch fs0/file.txt
kraft pkg --name --as oci --initrd fs0/ --arch x86_64 --plat qemu
# Login to repository
# Pushing app helloworld
# kraft pkg push --as oci

Upon running the simplified workflow, we can see that all elements related to KraftKit executed correctly.

i SCSTRIP helloworld_qemu-x86_64
i UKBI helloworld_qemu-x86_64.bootinfo
i GZ helloworld_qemu-x86_64.gz
++ kraft run -W -M 256M --arch x86_64 --plat qemu
level=debug msg=detected platform=qemu
level=debug msg="cannot run because: no arguments supplied" runner=linuxu
level=debug msg="cannot run because: no arguments supplied" runner=kernel
level=debug msg=using runner=project
level=debug msg="qemu-system-x86_64 -version"
level=debug msg="qemu-system-x86_64 -accel help"
level=debug msg="qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu qemu64,+pdpe1gb,-vmx,-svm -daemonize -device pvpanic -device sga -display none -kernel /tmp/app-helloworld/.unikraft/build/helloworld_qemu-x86_64 -machine pc -m size=244M -monitor unix:/root/.local/share/kraftkit/runtime/0a8fa139-dc45-405b-be39-fb066768329c/qemu_mon.sock,server,nowait -name 0a8fa139-dc45-405b-be39-fb066768329c -nographic -no-reboot -S -parallel none -pidfile /root/.local/share/kraftkit/runtime/0a8fa139-dc45-405b-be39-fb066768329c/ -qmp unix:/root/.local/share/kraftkit/runtime/0a8fa139-dc45-405b-be39-fb066768329c/qemu_control.sock,server,nowait -qmp unix:/root/.local/share/kraftkit/runtime/0a8fa139-dc45-405b-be39-fb066768329c/qemu_events.sock,server,nowait -rtc base=utc -serial file:/root/.local/share/kraftkit/runtime/0a8fa139-dc45-405b-be39-fb066768329c/machine.log -smp cpus=1,threads=1,sockets=1 -vga none"
o. .o _ _ __ _
Oo Oo ___ (_) | __ __ __ _ ' _) :_
oO oO ' _ `| | |/ / _)' _` | |_| _)
oOo oOO| | | | | (| | | (_) | _) :_
OoOoO ._, ._:_:_,\_._, .__,_:_, \___)
Prometheus 0.14.0~86710f6
Hello world!
Arguments: "/tmp/app-helloworld/.unikraft/build/helloworld_qemu-x86_64"
++ mkdir fs0
++ touch fs0/file.txt
++ kraft pkg --name --as oci --initrd fs0/ --plat qemu --arch x86_64
level=info msg="packaging helloworld (oci)"
level=debug msg="oci: including kernel" dest="/unikraft/bin/kernel"
level=debug msg="oci: including initrd"
level=debug msg="oci: saving image" tag=""
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
Job succeeded

As we can see, running kraft commands in the GitLab CI is no different from a normal CLI. By integrating KraftKit in your CI system, you can easily test and validate all resulting Unikraft images.

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