
Testing Concepts

We are going to explore the idea of validation by testing. The main focus will be testing but we also tackle other validation methods such as fuzzing and symbolic execution.

The Concept of Testing#

Before diving into how we can do testing on Unikraft, let’s first focus on several key concepts that are used when talking about testing.

There are three types of testing: unit testing, integration testing and end-to-end testing. To better understand the difference between them, we will look over an example of a webshop:

If we're testing the whole workflow (creating an account, logging in, adding products to a cart, placing an order) we will call this end-to-end testing. Our shop also has an analytics feature that allows us to see a couple of data points such as: how many times an article was clicked on, how much time did a user look at it and so on. To make sure the inventory module and the analytics module are working correctly (a counter in the analytics module increases when we click on a product), we will be writing integration tests. Our shop also has at least an image for every product which should maximize when we're clicking on it. To test this, we would write a unit test.

Running the test suite after each change is called regression testing. Automatic testing means that the tests are run and verified automatically and are usually triggered by contributiosn (pull requests). Automated regression testing is the best practice in software engineering.

One of the key metrics used in testing is code coverage. This is used to measure the percentage of code that is executed during a test suite run.

There are three common types of coverage:

  • Statement coverage is the percentage of code statements that are run during the testing.
  • Branch coverage is the percentage of branches executed during the testing (e.g. if or while).
  • Path coverage is the percentage of paths executed during the testing.

We'll now go briefly over two other validation techniques, fuzzing and symbolic execution.


Fuzzing or fuzz testing is an automated software testing technique that involves providing invalid, unexpected, or random data as inputs to a computer program. The program is then monitored for exceptions such as crashes, failing built-in code assertions, or potential memory leaks.

The most popular OS fuzzers are kAFL and syzkaller, but research in this area is very active.

Symbolic Execution#

As per Wikipedia, symbolic execution is a means of analyzing a program to determine what inputs cause each part of a program to execute. An interpreter follows the program, assuming symbolic values for inputs rather than obtaining actual inputs as normal execution of the program would. An example of a program being symbolically executed can be seen in the figure below:

The workflow of symbolic execution
Symbolic executionThe workflow of symbolic execution

The most popular symbolic execution engines are KLEE, S2E and angr.

Existing Testing Frameworks#

Nowadays, testing is usually done using a framework. There is no single testing framework that can be used for everything but one has plenty of options to chose from.

Linux Testing#

The main framework used by Linux for testing is KUnit. The building blocks of KUnit are test cases, functions with the signature void (*)(struct kunit *test). For example:

void example_add_test(struct kunit *test)
/* check if calling add(1,0) is equal to 1 */
KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, 1, add(1, 0));

We can use macros such as KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ to verify results.

A set of test cases is called a test suite. In the example below, we can see how one can add a test suite.

static struct kunit_case example_add_cases[] = {
static struct kunit_suite example_test_suite = {
.name = "example",
.init = example_test_init,
.exit = example_test_exit,
.test_cases = example_add_cases,

The API is pretty intuitive and thoroughly detailed in the official documentation.

KUnit is not the only tool used for testing Linux, there are tens of tools used to test Linux at any time:

In the figure below, we can see that as more and better tools were developed we saw an increase in reported vulnerabilities. There was a peak in 2017, after which a steady decrease which may be caused by the amount of tools used to verify patches before being upstreamed.

Vulnerabilites in Linux by year
Linux vulnerabilitiesVulnerabilites in Linux by year

OSV Testing#

Let's see how another unikernel does the testing. OSv uses a different approach. They're using the Boost test framework alongside tests consisting of standalone simple applications. For example, to test read they have the following standalone app, whereas for testing thevfs, they use boost.

User Space Testing#

Right now, there are a plethora of existing testing frameworks for different programming languages. For example, Google Test is a testing framework for C++ whereas JUnit for Java. Let's take a quick look at how Google Test works:

We have the following C++ code for the factorial in a function.cpp:

int Factorial(int n) {
int result = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
result *= i;
return result;

To create a test file, we'll create a new C++ source that includes gtest/gtest.h We can now define the tests using the TEST macro. We named this test Negative and added it to the FactorialTest.

TEST(FactorialTest, Negative) {

Inside the test we can write C++ code as inside a function and use existing macros for adding test checks via macros such as EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_GT.

#include "gtest/gtest.h"
TEST(FactorialTest, Negative)
EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(-5));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(-1));
EXPECT_GT(Factorial(-10), 0);

In order to run the test we add a main function similar to the one below to the test file that we have just created:

int main(int argc, char ∗∗argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

Easy? This is not always the case, for example this sample shows a more advanced and nested test.

Further Reading#

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