
Using Firecracker in the Application Catalog

This guide presents internal technical information about using Firecracker with the application catalog.

This guide is a companion to the "Behind the Scenes with the Application Catalog". It details how to use Firecracker to run Unikraft applications. Firecracker is not yet fully support by KraftKit: building can be done with KraftKit, but running is to be done manually.

Note that Firecracker requires hardware virtualization support (KVM). Because of that, it can't be used in a virtual machine to run Unikraft applications. You have to run in a native Linux install.

Installing Firecracker#

To use Firecracker, you need to download a Firecracker release. For this guide we use the 1.4.0 release:

cd /tmp
tar xzf firecracker-v1.4.0-x86_64.tgz

You can use the command below to make the firecracker-x86_64 executable available globally in the command line:

sudo cp release-v1.4.0-x86_64/firecracker-v1.4.0-x86_64 /usr/local/bin/firecracker-x86_64

Similar to the "Application Catalog: Behind the Scenes" guide, we will use two applications:


Use the steps below to build and run the NGINX binary-compatible application:

  1. If not already configured, configure the BuildKit container:

    docker run -d --name buildkitd --privileged moby/buildkit:latest
    export KRAFTKIT_BUILDKIT_HOST=docker-container://buildkitd
  2. Enter the NGINX binary-compatible directory:

    cd catalog/library/nginx/1.25
  3. Build the application for the Firecracker (fc) platform:

    kraft build --plat fc --arch x86_64

    The resulting kernel file is .unikraft/build/nginx_fc-x86_64.

  4. As root (prefix with sudo if required), create a network tap interface:

    ip tuntap add dev tap0 mode tap
    ip address add dev tap0
    ip link set dev tap0 up
  5. Create the Firecracker JSON configuration file fc-x86_64.json:

    "boot-source": {
    "kernel_image_path": ".unikraft/build/nginx_fc-x86_64",
    "boot_args": ".unikraft/build/nginx_fc-x86_64 netdev.ip= -- /usr/bin/nginx"
    "drives": [],
    "machine-config": {
    "vcpu_count": 1,
    "mem_size_mib": 128,
    "smt": false,
    "track_dirty_pages": false
    "cpu-config": null,
    "balloon": null,
    "network-interfaces": [
    "iface_id": "net1",
    "guest_mac": "06:00:ac:10:00:02",
    "host_dev_name": "tap0"
    "vsock": null,
    "logger": {
    "log_path": "/tmp/firecracker.log",
    "level": "Debug",
    "show_level": true,
    "show_log_origin": true
    "metrics": null,
    "mmds-config": null,
    "entropy": null
  6. Run as root (prefix with sudo if required):

    rm -f /tmp/firecracker.log
    touch /tmp/firecracker.log
    rm -f /tmp/firecracker.socket
    firecracker-x86_64 --api-sock /tmp/firecracker.socket --config-file fc-x86_64.json
  7. Query the unikernel instance:


To close the running Firecracker instance, kill the corresponding process. In another console, run as root (prefix with sudo if required):

pkill -f firecracker

HTTP Go Server#

Use the steps below to build and run the HTTP Go server as a binary-compatible application.

  1. If not already configured, configure the BuildKit container:

    docker run -d --name buildkitd --privileged moby/buildkit:latest
    export KRAFTKIT_BUILDKIT_HOST=docker-container://buildkitd
  2. Enter the HTTP Go server example directory:

    cd catalog/examples/http-go1.21/
  3. Pull the unikernel base image for the Firecracker (fc) platform:

    kraft pkg pull -w base --plat fc --arch x86_64
  4. Use kraft run to trigger the build the root filesystem as an initrd:

    sudo KRAFTKIT_BUILDKIT_HOST=docker-container://buildkitd kraft run --plat fc --arch x86_64 .

    Note that this will cause an error similar to the one below, as KraftKit does not yet support running Firecracker:

    E [PUT /actions][400] createSyncActionBadRequest &{FaultMessage:The requested operation is not supported after starting the microVM.}

    However, the filesystem initird is created in .unikraft/build/initramfs-x86_64.cpio:

    $ ls -lh .unikraft/build/initramfs-x86_64.cpio
    -rw-r--r-- 1 razvand razvand 9.7M Jan 26 18:50 .unikraft/build/initramfs-x86_64.cpio

    We will use the initrd for a manual run of Firecracker.

  5. As root (prefix with sudo if required), create a network tap interface:

    ip tuntap add dev tap0 mode tap
    ip address add dev tap0
    ip link set dev tap0 up
  6. Create the Firecracker JSON configuration file fc-x86_64.json:

    "boot-source": {
    "kernel_image_path": "base/unikraft/bin/kernel",
    "boot_args": "kernel netdev.ip= vfs.fstab=[ \"initrd0:/:extract:::\" ] -- /server",
    "initrd_path": ".unikraft/build/initramfs-x86_64.cpio"
    "drives": [],
    "machine-config": {
    "vcpu_count": 1,
    "mem_size_mib": 512,
    "smt": false,
    "track_dirty_pages": false
    "cpu-config": null,
    "balloon": null,
    "network-interfaces": [
    "iface_id": "net1",
    "guest_mac": "06:00:ac:10:00:02",
    "host_dev_name": "tap0"
    "vsock": null,
    "logger": {
    "log_path": "/tmp/firecracker.log",
    "level": "Debug",
    "show_level": true,
    "show_log_origin": true
    "metrics": null,
    "mmds-config": null,
    "entropy": null
  7. Run as root (prefix with sudo if required):

    rm -f /tmp/firecracker.log
    touch /tmp/firecracker.log
    rm -f /tmp/firecracker.socket
    firecracker-x86_64 --api-sock /tmp/firecracker.socket --config-file fc-x86_64.json
  8. Query the unikernel instance:


To close the running Firecracker instance, kill the corresponding process. In another console, run as root (prefix with sudo if required):

pkill -f firecracker
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