Multiboot2 Support in Unikraft

In this blog post, I go over the debugging process and the progress made in the implementation of Multiboot2 support these past three weeks of GSoC.

Recalling my previous blog post:

With the Multiboot2 header issue resolved, the ELF file is now generated correctly.

Boy, was I wrong! The past three weeks have been a rollercoaster of debugging, testing, and more debugging. That being said, considerable progress has been made, which will be the focus of this update post.

The Debugging Chronicles#

In reviewing the issues with the infinite loop, I realized that the root cause was the omission of the end tag in the Multiboot2 header. Multiboot2 headers require a specific ending structure to signal the completion of the header sequence. Without this tag, the bootloader, GRUB in this case, continues to search for it indefinitely, leading to the infinite loop. Now that the issue was resolved, a new contender emerged: the "out of memory" error. Let the games begin!

The "Out of Memory" Error#

The "out of memory" error was a puzzling one. The first instinct was to increase the memory size, but no matter how much memory was allocated, the error persisted. This meant that either something was null or the area where the memory was being allocated was already populated due to possible fragmentation.

Since the error was occuring in the grub_relocator_alloc_chunk_align function, I decided to find its caller to reconstitute the flow and logic leading here. There were several difficulties with debugging this.

Firstly, I was connected to a 64-bit gdb server, but the error was occurring in 32-bit mode so the registers were all messed up. To make life a bit easier, I ended up using qemu-system-i386 instead of qemu-system-x86_64. Sure, I couldn't boot Unikraft like this, but I could at least debug the issue at hand.

Additionally, I had no symbols. Therefore, I had to load them manually using add-symbol-file in gdb for each module I was interested in.

It is important to mention what I mean by "module". GRUB has an interesting way of organizing its modules and object files. This might be misleading, since the extensions are .mod and .module. In short, .mod files are the final binary that will be loaded at boot time, while .modules are intermediate unstripped object files that contains symbol and debug information. For the purpose of debugging, I needed the .module files.

Obviously, the first module I looked into was relocator.module. I then needed to determine the base address where I had added my breakpoint. The plan was to:

  • print the address of the function using __builtin_return_address(0)
  • object dump the module to find the offset of the function
  • get the base address by substracting the offset from the address

Pretty straightforward, right? Normally, yes. But here? Well, not quite. After performing this process with the printed address, gdb was showing code from malloc_in_range instead of grub_relocator_alloc_chunk_align. Additionally, it did not match the assembly, which corresponded to the manual breakpoint I had added: a dummy volatile integer set to zero and an infinite loop waiting for a change in value (once in gdb, I set the register value to 1 to break the loop).

volatile int dummy_var = 0;
while (!dummy_var);

This was peculiar to say the least. So, without much hope of anything changing, I tried the address of the line I was currently on and, lo and behold, it worked!

I could finally backtrace and see the flow of the code, which also solved the mystery of why the previous attempt failed in the first place. The address printed by __builtin_return_address(0) was that of a wrapper function which called grub_relocator_alloc_chunk_align. grub_relocator_alloc_chunk_align_safe is defined in /include/grub/relocator.h. Therefore, the printed address was correct, since I was in fact in the _safe counterpart. And normally, had it not been because of the definition in a header file, the address would have matched. But after the preprocessor replaced the call with the definition including grub_relocator_alloc_chunk_align, the address no longer matched.

The backtrace also revealed the culprit for the "out of memory" error: the grub_relocator32_boot function had been called earlier with a null relocator. To see when the relocator changed to null, I set a watchpoint, which quickly indicated the obstacle and allowed for an easy fix.

Drumrolls, please! Ladies and gentlemen, we successfully booted into Unikraft! 🎉

Monkey see, Monkey do#

Now that GRUB collected the necessary information in the form of the mbi, it is time to pass it to Unikraft. This is done by calling the multiboot2_entry function, which is defined in multiboot2.c.

The multiboot2_entry function is responsible for processing the Multiboot2 information and setting up the system for the kernel. This involves parsing the tags and setting up the memory regions, boot command line, and other essential parameters.

The focus now shifts to implementing the multiboot2.c file and testing the new modifications. Considering Unikraft's ecosystem, the function handles three tags: MULTIBOOT_TAG_TYPE_CMDLINE, MULTIBOOT_TAG_TYPE_MODULE (mainly for initrd), and MULTIBOOT_TAG_TYPE_MMAP.

Next Steps#

Now being able to boot into Unikraft, I aim to refine how each scenario for the tags is implemented in order to have a functional helloworld application. Until then, stay tuned for the next update!

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