
Five Unikraft Projects Selected at Google Summer of Code 2024

It is our pleasure to announce that 5 Unikraft projects are part of Google Summer of Code 2024 (GSoC'24).

It is our pleasure to announce that 5 Unikraft projects are part of Google Summer of Code 2024 (GSoC'24) 🚀 This is a continuation of the 5 Unikraft projects that took part last year in Google Summer of Code 2023.

For GSoC'24, we presented a diverse list of project ideas. We've had 16 applications, out of which 5 were selected and are currently funded for GSoC'24.

The 5 applicants, and their projects are:

Mihnea Firoiu from POLITEHNICA Bucharest in Bucharest, Romania

Yang Hu from University of Toronto in Toronto, Canada

Ujjwal Mahar from Sharda University in Greater Noida, NCR, India

Maria Pană from POLITEHNICA Bucharest in Bucharest, Romania

Sriprad Potukuchi from PES University in Bengaluru, India

Congratulations Mihnea, Yang, Ujjwal, Mia, Sriprad! 🥳 Let's get hacking! 🛠️

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