
KraftKit v0.7.0 Release

A massive update to a unikernel developer's best friend.

In the world of modern software development, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve and embrace cutting-edge technologies. Unikernels, which are specialized, single-address-space machine images that run a single application, have been gaining traction as a powerful approach to building lightweight, secure, and highly efficient software systems.

Unikraft, an open-source project for building unikernels, has been at the forefront of this movement. It offers developers a versatile and efficient framework to create unikernels for various use cases. And today, we're thrilled to introduce KraftKit v0.7.0, a huge update to the companion command-line tool that makes Unikraft even more accessible and developer-friendly!

For the full changelog, check out the release note on GitHub.

With a whole slew of new features and improvements, KraftKit v0.7.0 is a game-changer for unikernel development.

The highlights of this KraftKit release:

  • Adds support for building via Dockerfiles: the building power of Docker meets the deployment power of unikernels!
  • Powers up a catalog of application and languages, to significantly simplify build/run workflows.
  • Introduces a new Kraftfile with clear, simple to use syntax for specifying builds.
  • Introduction of the kraft cloud command, for deployments via KraftCloud.

Let's dive into the exciting new features and improvements in this release:

Kraftfile v0.6 Specification Update#

This release introduces a new Kraftfile specification which makes new adjustments to the user's workflow such that it is easier to run applications in binary compatibility mode and with a template. At a high-level, the following adjustments are made to the specification:

  • A new top-level runtime element to be used for defining the user of an elfloader or existing pre-built unikernel image. Similar to other component-type elements like unikraft and libraries, the runtime element is intended to allow for a short-hand and long-hand syntax where a source, version and set of kconfig options can be used to qualify the elfloader application.
  • Abbreviations of the specification, architecture and platform element names such that can be used in short-hand syntax as spec, arch and plat, respectively.
  • Top-level volumes element which is used for defining user-specified paths which are to be used during runtime of a unikernel.
  • Top-level rootfs element which is used for defining the root filesystem of the user. The provided implementation allows a user to serialize a filesystem from three new contexts: an existing CPIO archive (pass-through), a path to a directory, and a Dockerfile which is constructed via BuildKit.
  • Top-level cmd which is a string or list which represents the command-line argument to execute for the unikernel as a way to porcelain the Kraftfile and the intended application use case.

Aside from these introductions to the v0.6 specification, the underlying parser is adjusted to handle reading both the specifications and defaulting to v0.6 as the latest. These adjustments are subsequently implemented through the release.

High-level Kraftfile v0.6 specification changes#

A. Introduction of short-hand syntaxes#

  1. In addition to bumping the specification version to v0.6, the specification element can be abbreviated to spec:

    spec: v0.6
  2. Within the list of targets, the architecture and platform attributes can be abbreviated to arch and plat, respectively, and be used interchangeably:

    - plat: qemu
    arch: x86_64
    - plat: qemu
    architecture: x86_64
    - platform: qemu
    arch: x86_64
  3. The list of targets can now accept an even shorter syntax where only the architecture and platform are desired in the list:

    - qemu/x86_64

    This shorthand syntax can be mixed with full target elements:

    - qemu/x86_64
    - platform: qemu
    architecture: arm64
    - plat: fc
    arch: x86_64

C. Introduction of a cmd element for specifying program operation#

The cmd is array or string element which can be used for setting default arguments to be used during the instantiation of a new unikernel instance:

  1. Specified as an in-line array:

    spec: v0.6
    cmd: ["-c", "/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"]
  2. Specified as a multi-line array:

    spec: v0.6
    - -c
    - /nginx/conf/nginx.conf
  3. Specified as a string:

    spec: v0.6
    cmd: "-c /nginx/conf/nginx.conf"

C. Introduction to runtime element for accessing pre-built images#

The runtime element is a new top-level element which has been designed to ease the declaration of a previously constructed unikernel image in the project. In many cases, specifically instances where the user is writing in a high-level language such as Python or where they wish to use a pre-built Linux userpace image, the user does not care for wanting to build a unikernel image from scratch. Instead, the goal is to leverage pre-built unikernel images which are distributed using the OCI Package Manager.

Similar to the top-level unikraft and template elements (see below), the runtime element can be specified using a short-hand syntax or a long-hand syntax for greater control or preference.

  1. In short-hand syntax, simply referencing the pre-built unikernel image is possible by declaring:

    spec: v0.6

    In the above example, the runtime element refers to an OCI archive for Nginx. In a kraft run scenario, this is simply pulled and executed verbatim. Paired with the ability to customize the rootfs element or volumes elemen, the runtime element becomes more pragmatic:

    spec: v0.6
    rootfs: ./

    Or with a volume, which simply "overwrites" an existing directory already located within Nginx's root filesystem that is distributed as part of the OCI image:

    spec: v0.6
    - ./html:/nginx/html

    In the above snippet, the user customizes only the directory which serves HTML with a path ./html which is located on their host.

    Note that this usecase is not limited to a single application and applies to the ELF Loader application and customizing the loaded application which is part of a root filesystem:

    spec: v0.6
    # Default ELF Loader application
    # Path must contain the Linux ELF binary, e.g. at ./rootfs/helloworld
    rootfs: ./rootfs
    cmd: ["/helloworld"]

    or a high-level programming language such as python3:

    spec: v0.6
    rootfs: ./Dockerfile
    cmd: ["/"]

    In the above snippet, the user has created a Dockerfile which contains the necessary root filesystem and included their application at /

  2. The long-hand syntax allows specifically setting source, version and kconfig options which are requirements of the runtime:

    spec: v0.6
    version: latest

    In the above example, the pre-built Nginx unikernel has been requested as the runtime with the explicit option of having the 9P Filesystem enabled.

D. Fully realizing the template element#

There were several issues related to the template element, including the fact that it was not properly seeded, or transformed, from the Kraftfile into the application structure. This has now been tested end-to-end and enables:

  1. Workflows where a user may wish to reference an existing application repository and make customizations, for example, with the ELF Loader application, making changes to the core configuration and adding additional targets:

    spec: v0.6
    version: stable
    - plat: qemu
    arch: x86_64
    - plat: firecracker
    arch: x86_64
  2. Similar to other component elements (e.g. unikraft and libraries), the template element can be expressed in a longer format:

    spec: v0.6
    version: stable

New workflow scenarios#

The following workflow scenarios were used during testing.

A. Using a pre-built unikernel and customizing the root filesystem#

Customizing the whole root filesystem is now possible by supplying either:

  1. A path representing a prebuilt CPIO archive file:

    spec: v0.6
    rootfs: ./initramfs.cpio
  2. A directory which will be dynamically serialized into a CPIO archive:

    spec: v0.6
    rootfs: ./rootfs/
  3. Or, a Dockerfile which will be built via BuildKit and then serialized into a new CPIO archive:

    spec: v0.6
    rootfs: ./Dockerfile

    To use BuildKit, set the address within the new buildkit_host user setting, the new environmental variable KRAFTKIT_BUILDKIT_HOST or the command-line flag --buildkit-host. This defaults to unix:///run/buildkit/buildkitd.sock.

B. Using a pre-built unikernel and mounting a path within the root filesystem#

  1. Specifying via short-hand syntax a map between a directory on the host and a path within the instance:

    spec: v0.6
    - ./src:/nginx/html
  2. Using a more verbose (long-hand) syntax and mapping between the mount on the host and a path within the instance:

    spec: v0.6
    - source: ./src
    destination: /nginx/html

OCI Indexes and Multi-Platform Images#

This contains breaking changes to the OCI package manager. As a result, when you upgrade be sure to re-package and re-push your OCI images.

This large refactor reworks the OCI package manager to assume the use of the OCI image specification's index such that we can represent multiple manifests within a single canonical referencable name. This means that we can build multiple unikernels with the same name. This makes sense for multi-target projects which build the same application but target different hardware/platform vendors.

The structure of the index can be found here and in this implementation we itemized each manifest in the index in the same way. When we use the Catalog method now, we are able to query a remote registry based on the selected OS (platform) and architecture as well as any embedded KConfig options (if they are embedded).

When packaging multiple targets of a single application, the resulting package will be listed for all unique targets:

kraft pkg ls --apps
app helloworld latest oci e8be0a9 qemu/x86_64
app helloworld latest oci a6802f4 qemu/arm64

Use cases include selecting appropriately based on the host's architecture as well as feature selection via embedded KConfig options.

Notable additional improvements which are incorporated in this pull request include:

  • Better offline mode in each package manager: all internal package managers were optimized to reduce instantiation time which makes a noticeable impact when using kraft in offline mode;
  • Better outputs in kraft pkg ls which now has dynamic column data information;
  • Better prompts in kraft pkg for selecting and packaging individual targets from an application project;
  • kraft pkg prune has been renamed to kraft pkg rm and now works for all underlying implementations (per-manifest type for libraries and components, and directory and containerd for OCI packages);
  • Better handling of insecure authenticated OCI registries; and,
  • Natively selecting the host platform and architecture in kraft pkg pull when no additional flags are provided.

A New Pre-built Community Image Catalog#

Following the ability to package multiple platform/architecture combinations now using a single canonical OCI image reference, and to help ease using pre-built unikernel applications, we're excited to release a new community catalog of pre-built unikernel images, ready to use.

kraft pkg ls --apps --update

Dockerfile root filesystem creation via BuildKit#

This release includes the ability to construct root filesystems from new and existing Dockerfile definitions. This is made possible by rearchitecting the initrd package to support different input types. When using a root filesystem which is ultimately serialized into a CPIO archive (including previously built CPIO archives which simply represent a no-op), these can be dynamically built.

Using Dockerfile via BuildKit to build root filesystems offers several advantages in terms of efficiency, portability, and ease of management which were considered before implementation:

  1. Reproducibility

    • A Dockerfile enables you to specify the exact steps needed to build your filesystem, making the build process reproducible.
    • BuildKit's caching mechanisms enhance build efficiency by reusing layers when the dependencies and source code haven't changed, which speeds up the build process.
  2. Portability

    • BuildKit supports multi-platform builds, enabling you to create filesystems for different architectures without changing the Dockerfile.
  3. Ease of Use

    • A Dockerfile provides a user-friendly, human-readable format for defining the build steps, making it accessible to developers with varying levels of expertise.
    • Leveraging the extensive Docker ecosystem and allowing the re-usse of many existing filesystems which speed up using unikernels

To get started building Dockerfiles as part of your existing project, check out the updated documentation on filesystem support in KraftKIt.

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