
GSoC'23: Enhancing VS Code Developer Experience

The VS Code Extension for Unikraft enables developers to quickly and painlessly build unikernels from the VS Code IDE.


The VS Code Extension for Unikraft enables developers to quickly and painlessly build unikernels from the VS Code IDE. Amongst other features, it allows developers to list and find unikernel libraries as well as run basic commands. In this project, I will upgrade the VS Code extension to use KraftKit, the newly released CLI companion tool for Unikraft, written in Go.

Summary of Objectives#

This project aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Modify the project's main binary, kraft, to enable JSON output of various commands, so that the integration with VS Code could be done through a machine-readable interface.
  • Update VS Code IDE extension to function properly with new Go-based KraftKit.
  • Additionally, enhance the experience, including adding support for other steps, in Unikraft's build cycle: package unikernels in different formats, provide linting.

Current Progress#

Next Steps#

  • Create a subcommand show for command kraft pkg in KraftKit. This produces information about a component like happens in pykraft by the command kraft list show.
  • Make listing of versions possible when adding a new library/component using the IDE extension.
  • Update the IDE to enable the initialization & other steps to work properly with KraftKit.

About Me#

I'm Md Sahil, a third year undergraduate student of Computer Science Engineering at Maharshi Dayanand University.

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Getting Started

What is a unikernel?Install CLI companion toolUnikraft InternalsRoadmap

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