
re:Arch Unikraft

The goal of this GSoC'23 project is to optimize and clearly define drivers and platform support.

About Me#

I'm Rareș Miculescu, a second year bachelor student at University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. This is my first open source project that I am part of, and I love it. Outside Unikraft and university, I am obsessed with cars and Formula 1.

GSoC'23: re:Arch Unikraft#


Unikraft provides specialization and strong modularity by strictly following the "everything is a library" concept. Despite this concept, Unikraft requires architectural changes that can optimize and clearly define drivers and platform support, and in doing so, reduce maintenance effort.

Summary of Objectives#

The goal of this GSoC'23 project is to optimize and clearly define drivers and platform support. This can be achieved by solving the tasks from the Platform Re-architecting GitHub project.

The main tasks are:

After completing these, I will focus on other tasks.


So far, I managed to move the register definitions from plat/x86 into arch/x86. We are making the final touches on replacing the libc data types.

Next Steps#

The next steps will be to finish the PR for the replacement of libc data types and start working on migrating the drivers.

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