
Shadow Stack (Part 1)

While Unikraft provides great security advantages through strong cross-application isolation, traditional means of securing one's application shouldn't be overlooked.


Following this idea, we introduce the Shadow Stack, a project which aims to adapt LLVM's / clang's Shadow Call Stack to Unikraft's needs, focusing on the AArch64 architecture.

Enabling protection of the return address from ROP attacks should be highly modularized, that's why we plan to provide multiple functionalities in a possible API:

  1. has_shadow_stack
  2. init_shadow_stack
  3. init_shadow_stack_fixed_x18 (when a platform doesn’t reserve the x18 register used for storing the Shadow Stack; Android, Darwin, Fuchsia already reserve it)
  4. no_shadow_stack (shadow stack is disabled for a certain function even though it’s enabled globally)
  5. no_shadow_stack_strong (disables shadow stack globally)

Starting point#

First thing first, I had to get accustomed with Unikraft itself.

Compiling and running some basic applications using both kraft and the make build system was done during the first week of GSoC.

I spent the second week investigating the Shadow Stack implementation for Android and coming up with the aforementioned extern API.

I plan on including these functionalities in a library (ukshadow) similar to ubsan or kasan.

Following the same idea, investigating the implementation for kasan further pointed out the need of perfectly understanding the layout of ukboot as I will have to modify the library by adding some constructors that will make possible the initialization of the x18 register.

At this point, compiling any program with the Shadow Call Stack support provided by the compiler (clang) is not possible, until providing a runtime, and this represents one important milestone.


One significant step forward was finding a mean of compiling Unikraft AArch64 apps using clang, as a straightforward solution wasn't documented.

Taking advice from the community really facilitated the process.

LLVM's clang takes a big role in my project as previous work and research regarding Shadow Stacks was and still is mainly covered by it.

What's more, future work revolves around firstly, porting the clang's Shadow Call Stack by coming up with a constructor that'll use inline asm to initialize the x18 register and secondly, perfectly alligning the Shadow Stack implementation to Unikraft.

Interesting findings#

The solution to the cross-compilation issue provided by the community was really important to my investigation work.

For future integration of this quick fix, check this gist.

Next steps#

After providing a constructor for the Shadow Stack pointer in the ukboot library and testing the approach using an inline asm macro, I'll get to implementing the mechanisms needed by the Shadow Stack and include them in their own internal library (the aforementioned ukshadow).

I won't forget to make use of some functionalities provided by ukdebug as a mean of signaling the user about the overwriting of their precious return address.

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